45 liens privés
curl --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access-token>' -X POST https://api.pushbullet.com/v2/pushes --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"type": "note", "title": "<title>", "body": "<body>"}'
API PL-SQL pour générer des fichiers Excels.
ex : "
as_xlsx.query2sheet( 'select * from dual' );
as_xlsx.save( 'MY_DIR', 'my.xlsx' );
Pour forcer l'ouverture de la base alors qu'il manque des choses :
SQL> alter system set "_allow_resetlogs_corruption"=true scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> alter system set undo_management='MANUAL' scope=spfile;
System altered.
SQL> shutdown abort;
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> startup;
===> Faire le shutdown et startup plusieurs fois jusqu'au succès (il faudra éventuellement se reconnecter avec un conn / as sysdba)
Pour choisir le commit le plus ancien à garder...
git log --pretty="%h - %s" --before=2.weeks -1
git checkout --orphan temp $1
git commit -m "Truncated history"
git rebase --onto temp $1 master
git branch -D temp
The following 2 commands are optional - they keep your git repo in good shape.
git prune --progress # delete all the objects w/o references
git gc --aggressive # aggressively collect garbage; may take a lot of time on large repos
Invocation: cd to your repository, then git-truncate refspec, where refspec is either a commit’s SHA1 hash-id, or a tag.
define gname=idle
column global_name new_value gname
set heading off
set termout off
col global_name noprint
select upper(sys_context ('userenv', 'con_name') || '@' || sys_context('userenv', 'db_name')) global_name from dual;
set sqlprompt '&gname> '
set heading on
set termout on